Chiropractors in Morenci, MI

The Spot: Baumgartner Chiropractic and Nutritional Wellness Center is located in Morenci, MI is a Neck and Back Pain Specialist in Lenawee County.  The Spot specializes in the following services for Southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio.
-Chiropractor in Morenci, MI
-Nutritional Wellness in Morenci, MI
-Massage Therapy in Morenci, MI
-Back Pain Relief in Morenci, MI
-Neck Pain Relief in Morenci, MI

Proudly Serving Lenawee County,
Adrian, Tecumseh, Blissfield, Clinton, Manitou Beach, Onsted, Sand Creek, Morenci, MI

Proudly Serving Fulton County and Northwest Ohio,
Toledo, Perrysburg, Wauseon and Napoleon, OH

Proudly Serving Southeast Michigan,
Pittsford, Jackson and Brooklyn. MI

Contact Form

102 W Main St, Morenci, MI 49256
Click Here For Directions
Phone 517-458-7768
Monday 8am-1pm | 2pm-6pm
Tuesday 8am-1pm | 2pm-6pm
Wednesday 8am-1pm | 2pm-6pm
Thursday Closed
Friday 8am-1pm | 2pm-6pm
Saturday 8am-11am
Sunday Closed